Boats and Equipment
Here at Garbutt’s we fish from 23 foot traditional pangas. These boats are ideal for poling the flats and running the open water here in Southern Belize. All of our boats are equipped with poling platforms, spacious casting decks, clean interiors, and enough rod holders for a full quiver.
While a limited number of loaner setups are available we advise all anglers to bring their own rods, reels, flies, and terminal tackle.
For permit we recommend nine and ten weight fast action fly rods, nine foot in length. All rods should be paired with a high end sealed saltwater fly reel. We recommend a minimum of 200 yards of backing either gel-spun or 20lb dacron.
For those having interest in targeting bonefish while here with us we recommend eight weight fast action fly rods. Again, these should be paired with high end sealed saltwater fly reels. We recommend a minimum of 150 yards of backing either gel-spun or 20lb dacron.
Tarpon setups should be ten or eleven weight fast action fly rods. Paired with high end sealed saltwater fly reels. It is key that you have an intermediate fly line, not a head but an entire intermediate fly line.